Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day everyone!! I hope everyone is having a great week! I just spent a good chunk of change over the HUGE TpT sale going on today! If you haven't gotten over there to buy your favorite units, today is the day!! You can get up to 30% off in my store, and many many of my wonderful friends are having the same sales.

I just wanted to leave you with one of my favorite quotes before I run off to watch Modern Family!
Have a wonderful Thursday and Friday!!

There is only Love,

"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person that you meet. To make all or your friends feel that something is special in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature that you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."
-Christian D. Larsena

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Leap Day TPT Sale Wednesday!

My goodness! I can't believe February is almost over and March is almost here! Yeah for this week over at Teachers Pay Teachers!!  Many of my favorite sellers are joining in Wednesday's Leap Day sale where with this promo code, you can get up to 28% off!

All of my packets are on sale right now for 20% off until Wednesday! On Wednesday ONLY, enter the above code when you check out and your additional 8% will be added!! This is unheard of!! I hope you'll hop over to my store early to get your favorite packets in your cart!

Here are just a few  of my top sellers!

Top Seller

More! Addition Timed Tests (Facts 0-12); (36 pages)

There is only Love!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Patriotic Program! Give Away Winner! Friday Freebie!

Last night our school put on our Patriotic Program. Every year we alternate between doing a Christmas Program or a Patriotic Program. Each grade decorates the gym with patriotic decorations and is assigned a number to sing, along with speaking parts. While the other grades are singing, we take the students back to our rooms to wait for the grand finale. The grand finale takes some logistical coordinating, but we manage to bring all grades, K-6th out on stage, on the steps to the stage and around the outside edges of the gym to sing. Our final numbers were My Country Tis of Thee and America (by Neal Diamond).  Every time we do the Patriotic Program the numbers are different and the speaking parts change, but the one thing that never changes is the amazing feelings of patriotism that fill the gym. 

If you'd like to download a copy of our Patriotic Program, you can find it here!

Here are some portraits of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington that the First Graders did! 
I just love the fro on this one!

Here are some other decorations that the other grades did:

And I am soooo excited to announce the winners of my Place Value Give Away!

Congratulations to Miss Squirrels, Holly and Mrs. Wheeler!! Be looking for your products in an email from me soon!

For all of you who joined in my give away, here is a cute Friday Freebie for you! I hope you enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave me a little comment if you like your freebie! Nothing like a little love to make the world go round! :)

Have a wonderful, restful weekend! I'm off to a 3-day weekend of cleaning my house and relaxing!
There is only Love,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine Thank You!

Yeah! Friday is almost here and that means it is almost time to go to the Random Generator and find out who the lucky winners are of my giveaway!! If you haven't entered yet, please do! You can find the link here.


What a crazy fun-filled week! We had so much fun on Valentine's Day! We made these cute Love Bug Valentine bags to put our Valentine cards in. They turned out super cute! My room mother came in and she had the kids make these cute heart shaped hats out of a paper plate! They turned out way cute! (Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I had to use my phone! These shots came out a bit blurry!)

I want to give a huge thank you to Rebecca Browning over at Darlin' In First for her super cute Valentine class exchange gifts! Her cute firsties made 25 bookmarks for my students and sent us the cute book "Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine!" We already read it aloud as a class and the kids LOVED it! 

And I received the cutest gift from Jennifer over at First Grade Blue Skies! I absolutely LOVED my gift! She put so much thought into every detail!! Thank you sooo much!

Our Patriotic Program is tonight! I will post pictures and the program tomorrow!
There is only Love!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Place Value Give Away!

Happy Sunday everyone! It's been a cold and snowy one here! I hope everyone has been able to relax a little bit this weekend and get reenergized for the week ahead! I know my week is going to be jam packed! We have Valentine's Day on Tuesday and our school-wide Patriotic Program on Thursday (which means a LOT of dress rehearsals this week!) (I will post all about the program later this week!)

I spent my weekend making some more place value activities for my kiddos. I have two different multi-leveled packets that I think you will enjoy. Each is slightly different and each is over 30 pages. I hope you'll check them out! I'm giving one of each of these packets away on Friday to three lucky people!

To Enter:
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment.
2. Follow my TpT store and leave a comment.
3. Follow me on Facebook and leave a comment.
Easy as pie!

(Click on the image to purchase.)

There is only Love,

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Blog on the Block and Friday Feebie

Hip hip hooray!! It's Friday!! Wow! I don't know about you, but this was a long week! We are getting ready for our Patriotic Program that our school is putting on next week, and between practicing for that and teaching, things got off schedule. And when things get off schedule, you know how that effects the little ones! My kiddos were hyper all week!! So, yeah for Friday!!

I love Friday Freebies! My class is working on place value so I created a fun little activity for them this week. I hope you enjoy!  (Just click on the images below to get your free download!) Oh, and don't forget to leave me a little comment if you like your freebie! Nothing like a little love to make the world go round! :)

I also have a new addition to my New Blog on the Block!! This week please give a very warm welcome to  Elementary Apples! She's a brand new blogger and would love you to stop by and say hello! Please head on over and give her a warm welcome!

I was having a rough go of it the last few weeks and was getting pretty discouraged. Some sweet friends of mine dropped off a Valentine's Day card and a little treat for me last night and I just loved the little quote they included. I am sharing it with you in hopes that it brings comfort to anyone who may be a bit discouraged, too.  Thanks to so many amazing friends out there who help me remember who I am and to keep my chin up when I feel a bit overwhelmed. "This, too, shall pass."

"Nothing burns as bright, nothing shimmers so
As the smile of a friend when hope is running low.
And how your hand feel warm when you dry a tear,
Love is in fashion any time of the year."
-Cherie Call Anderson

There is only Love,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

TpT Sale!

Hi Everyone!! Sorry that I've been M.I.A. for the past few weeks! Life got pretty hectic and work was consuming me! We had report cards due, then Parent Teacher conferences and between that and the normal stresses at work, I had to take time to get things done. I must say, it isn't good to be away for that long!! I have missed you guys! You are my support system! I so appreciate all the emails from people checking in on me to make sure I was still here! ;)

I have tons of things I want to post this next week. I have a freebie coming tomorrow and I'll share my report card format with you. So much to catch up on! But, I wanted to jump online tonight and say "Hi!!" and also let you know my TpT store is on sale until Saturday! I have a super cute Valentines packet you might want to check as well.

"The moment you 'hide' yourself from others because of fear, you also cut yourself off from You! There is no reason to hide. Show us your Love!" (Trish Nichols)

Thanks for all the Love!