Sunday, September 22, 2013

Freebie for your week!

Is it me, or are the weekends going by faster and faster? I spoiled myself yesterday and my husband and I grabbed some yummy sandwiches at Kneaders (LOVE THAT PLACE!) and headed up the canyon. We found this quiet stream and sat down in the sunshine and enjoyed a quiet and peaceful lunch out in nature. Lately, my soul has been craving to be in nature. I think it has to do with how hectic my weekly life has been. It was so nice just to stare at the mountain stream and watch the leaves blow down from the trees. The sunlight was sparkling off the water making it look like the stream was full of diamonds.
I wish I had taken photos of it...I do have a photo of our little ride up to the Uintah Mountains a couple of weeks embodies the same peaceful feeling of yesterday.

The highlight of my weekend was also receiving my new Macbook Pro cover! One of our dear teachers at my school had this cute blue-green cover and she sent us all the link if we wanted to buy one. After I saw the price, Only $12.99 at Amazon, I was like "Heck yah!" 

I purchased the hot pink one so I can find it in my room!! (This isn't the greatest photo!)

If you want to check out all the beautiful colors look here:
You can order yours by clicking the link below! 

Here's a little freebie for you to start out your week! 

I'll leave with one of my favorite quotes of all time....

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, 
the world will know peace."

I am a true believer in positive affirmations! I use them with my students and I say them to myself throughout the day when my stress levels start to climb. 
Here are some positive affirmations to help you start your work week off right:

I am capable, competent and smart enough.
I am a success! I am worthy and deserving of success. 
I am deserving of love, respect, honor and kindness!
There is only Love! If its not Love, I let it go.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Monday, September 16, 2013

Freebies and a Reading Linky Party

Hello my long lost friends!! I can't believe it has been four months since I blogged last! Once summer hit I spent all my free time with my four kiddos and being a step-mom for the first summer! Being a full-time mom for the first time was soooo fun and rewarding! I am blessed to have the sweetest step-children a woman could ask for!

Then, to make my summer a wee bit busier, I changed grade levels and of course, that meant MOVING classrooms! I must admit, I was dreading the move! After 16 years of teaching, you acquire quite a bit of "stuff"! I made the big move from 1st to 2nd grade! {I will post pics of my new classroom soon!} 

I must admit, I love teaching 2nd! I miss my cute little firsties, but how fun it has been to have half of my students from last year in my class this year! I am finding that alot of the materials I created for 1st grade can still be used in 2nd but there has been a need to create new materials to meet my needs. 

Two weeks ago we reviewed place value to the tens place, and I was able to use my Place Value Roll It- Make It- Expand It freebie.

Then last week I taught my second graders about place value to the hundreds place. I created this extension to my Roll It! Draw It! Expand It activity. You can find this freebie here or click on the image below. 

I just found a super fun Linky Party that you will want to join! Caitlin and Carrie from 
Table Talk with C&C  is hosting a best seller linky party! You can link up and share your best selling reading activity. Not only that, they are hosting a FABULOUS giveaway of best selling reading resources! You won't want to miss this!

Here's my top selling reading packet! If you want to check it out, just click on the image below.

I have so much more I want to share! More soon!

There is only Love!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday