Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Cleaning Sale!!

It's SPRING!!! It is FINALLY here!!! Time to celebrate with a huge 20% off SALE in my TpT store and do a little Spring Cleaning as well!

Last weekend the weather was warm and I caught the Spring Cleaning Fever!! I started some of my deep cleaning in my house…cleaning the windows and the blinds, scrubbing down the floors on my hands and knees with a rag, not just going over it with a mop, and wiping down all the baseboards.  It was just a start, but wow, it sure made a difference!

This weekend I'm focussing my Spring Cleaning on my TpT store and shopping cart! It's that time of year where I like to go back and clean up a few things! I'm linking up with Georgia Grown Kiddo's! Go check out her blog!!

1) Go through all my prior purchases and make sure I leave a sweet comment in the store where I bought them from. This always makes me feel good letting people know how much I appreciated their hard work! And, bonus! I rack up points towards future purchases!

Which leads me to #2!

2) I am always adding items on TpT to my Wish List! During my Spring Cleaning, I open up that wish list and delete the items I really don't need and add those must have items to my shopping cart. I do this after I've commented and earned my points so when it is time to check out, I don't have to spend nearly as much $$!! Happy! Happy!

Now for my FAVORITE part of Spring Cleaning!!

3) I'm going to buy all those wonderful must have items in my cart! And an added bonus, many of the items in my cart will be on sale this weekend because many of my favorite shops are having a Spring Cleaning Sale, too!!
I love and adore my blogger friends! They are all so talented and creative!! So, below is a link to each of their stores, just in case you want to see some of their fabulous products they have on sale!

Here are a few of my latest products that I've added to my store or updated! My students have loved working on these and I know yours will, too! Just click on any of the covers below to visit my store.

My sale starts Friday and runs through Monday! Go fill your cart tonight for a jump start on the weekend sale!

Happy Shopping and Spring Cleaning, my friends!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Freebie! Spring 100s Charts

One of my favorite freebies in my TpT store is my Spring 100s Charts Freebie! It has been downloaded  over 3, 500 times over the past year and it's a great resource to have on hand for any lower grade teacher or home schooler.  In case you haven't seen it before here's a quick preview and the link!

If you teach First Grade, my Numbers to 120 Printables is one of my top sellers! 

How many of you are on Spring Break already? I have to wait until April for mine, (20 more days…but who's counting, right??) My adorable step-children have theirs in one week and I can't wait to see them and have them with us for the week! It stinks living two states away from them!!  

When is your Spring Break? What are your big plans?? Are you going on a trip anywhere fun? Or, are you hanging around home and working on a project or relaxing? I'm excited to hear what everyone is planning!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Winners of My Yearly Review Packet!

It's time to announce my three random winners of my 2nd Grade Yearly Review Packet!!! 

(Sample pages)
Congratulations to Sarah Abner, Janae, 
and Kristi Smith!!!

Thank you to everyone who spread the word about my give away and who joined in the fun! 

Now, if you didn't win, please know that this 125 page time-saving resource is only $7.50. (Most packets this size sell for $10.00 on average.) I hope you'll check it out!

I'm also linking up with Farley over at Oh'Boy 4th Grade for this month's Currently!

Remember, stay positive! You are what you think! Count your blessings and look for the good in every situation you find yourself in. 

There is only Love,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Non-fiction Books on Animals

Just one more day to enter my give away!!   If you are getting ready to review for testing in 2nd grade, this is a great review of all the common core standards. The winners will be announced tomorrow night!

We have been writing informational stories in my class for the last few weeks. We have been going through all the different habitats. Our library has some books on animals, but not a ton.

I love using as one of my go-to sources for my students to gather information on a wide range of animals. But, I was looking for kid-friendly non-fiction books that were on my second grader's reading level. I really wanted them to have something they could hold in their hands that they could read and reread. After a searching for awhile on I hit the jackpot!

I absolutely LOVE these books!!! I've collected almost all of them!! (Being the children's book-aholic that I am!) Not only do I love these, but my students love them as well! These books are always the first ones to leave the bookshelf and as soon as they return another child is waiting to snatch it!

I use these books along with a fabulous resource by Caitlin Hynst, from Simply Second! I absolutely love her Animal Habitats packet! It has adorable posters for the habitats and a research and writing page for animals from each habitat.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm noticing a pattern…and End of the Year Review Math Packet GIVE AWAY!

Hi everyone! I am seriously noticing a major pattern here with my blogging! I don't know if my stress level gets higher during the winter months…(uh, yah!)…or if teaching just get so crazy busy…(double yah…), or if maybe I just like to hibernate from blogging over the winter months….but what's the deal with me going a-Wall with blogging every year during the winter months???

How's everyone doing?? How's the stress going knowing that the end of the year testing is just around the corner? How's your teaching with "rigor" going? And teacher evaluations?? Yah…it's that time of year when the stress levels start to get me. I noticed that my back is aching and my shoulders are tight with stress…So, I'm devoting myself to deep breathing and positive affirmations more than ever!

Well, I've spent the last three weeks creating a review packet for 2nd grade math for my kiddos. It's finally done and we've been using it in class to review the entire year of math, and to help teach the math skills for term 3 and 4. If you are on a tight printing budget, you can do what I did and take a screen shot of the page you need and project it on your white board. I just have my students answer each question one at a time on dry erase boards or on scratch paper if I need an exit ticket.

I'm giving this 125 page packet away to three lucky followers!! Please leave me a comment below with your email address for a chance to win!

I'm also giving it away to three lucky Facebook followers, so you have double the chances to win! My Facebook winners will be announced Sunday night and my blog winners will be announced on Wednesday night, so spread the word!

Hugs and love!!