Monday, August 18, 2014

BTS Sale, Blog Hop and a FREEBIE!!

I am teaming up with some amazing teacher bloggers to bring you a blog hop featuring one of my best selling products.  I want to give you a closer look and a FREEBIE to try out with your class.

Have you heard about the upcoming TPT One Day  Bonus Sale?!
I'm so excited to have another chance to purchase some more back to school packets that I didn't get at the last sale!

My entire store will be on sale this Wednesday, and when you enter the discount code you can get an extra discount!

I wanted to give you a closer look at my Handwriting packet! {It is available in cursive, and D'Nealian, too!}
  This is a 110 page packet that helps your students practice the important skill of handwriting.

Each letter includes FOUR different pages of handwriting! This packet will get you through the entire year!

If you'd like to put this item in your cart for the big sale just click on any of the pictures above or here to be directed to my TpT store!

Here is a sample FREEBIE from the unit for you to try out and use with your kiddos!!! {Just click on the picture below.}

And now my dear friend, Anna over at Simply Skilled in Second is going to give you a closer look at one of her best sellers! Hop on over to see one of her AMAZING products and freebies!! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bright Ideas: The Power of Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are life changers!

"Affirmations are the most powerful way to reprogram the limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in low self-esteem and resignation. Affirmations can change your life."

-author Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Last summer, I became intrigued with learning more about the power of positive thinking. I started using positive affirmations daily to redirect my "glass half-empty" funk I found myself in. The more I consciously thought positively, the more I started to catch my negative thinking as it happened and was able to "flip" it.

For example, if I was thinking how overwhelmed I was with a particular task at work and feeling like I wasn't good enough, I'd flip my thinking into a positive affirmation by saying to myself (or out loud is even better!) "I am enough! I am worthy and deserving of good things. I am doing the best that I can!"

The more I started using positive thinking the more empowered I felt. So, of course, when the school year started, I wondered if using positive thinking with my students would have the same effect on them.

The first week of school I gathered my little ones on the carpet and explained to them what a positive affirmation was….that it is a declaration of anything good about yourself. I explained that we were going to make a poem of sorts, an I AM poem of positive affirmations.

They loved this idea! With a little guidance, the class came up with some amazing affirmations!

I had each child trace his or her handprint, sign it, and glue it to our poster. We read this poster to start our morning, and several times throughout the day we'd refer back to it, especially when a child seemed discouraged.

Magical things began to happen!! During a fire drill one little girl started crying and was upset. I pulled her aside and had her take a few deep breaths to help calm her, and then had her repeat after me "I am safe. I am loved. My teacher loves me. My family loves me. My school is safe. I am protected…" After saying four or five affirmations she had stopped crying and had a smile on her face! 

Here are some other affirmations that I used last year:

I am beautiful.
I am loved.
I am safe.
My teacher loves me.
My friends love me.
My parents love me.
I am smart.
I can do hard things.
 I am an angel. (One of my students came up with that one! I love it!)
Learning is fun!
I am love!

Throughout the year, when a student would complain that the work was too difficult, other students would say, "Remember, I can do hard things!!" It became our mantra last year whenever something arose that was challenging! Someone would always pipe up and say "I can do hard things!!" 

Teaching children how to flip their negative thoughts into positives gives them power and self-confidence. It is an amazing tool for anyone, really. I use them all the time when I am catch myself thinking negatively about myself or a situation that is stressing me. I just "flip" my negative into a positive thought and repeat it over and over again until it "sticks". You will actually feel your body calm once you are believing the positive thoughts you are stating! It truly is amazing how much the mind effects the body!

You are what you repeatedly think, so why not create the most beautiful, positive world you can by starting with one little thought! 

If you liked this "Bright Idea" you'll want to check out more amazing ideas from some fantastic teacher/bloggers in the links below!

If you enjoyed this bright idea, please consider following me on Facebook, Pinterest,  or Instagram for even more fun ideas!

Be good and kind to yourself! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Five for Friday Linkup and Freebie!


I started this week off on Monday with a half-day training on our new math program, "Go Math" by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. I'm excited that we have individual booklets for each student PER CHAPTER!!! Last year we didn't have a math program and we spent a ton of time finding resources online. Have you used the "Go Math" program? If so, how did you like it?

On Wednesday I spent all day at a Dibels training. It was interesting and I was glad for the refresher. Better yet, the district paid us to go since it was on our summer break!! 

After working on this baby for three weeks, taking breaks for days at a time, I FINALLY got this puppy finished! I love word dictionaries! Each week I post five word wall words and have my students either find it and circle it in their word dictionary or write it in on one of the blank lines provided. I also love having it for their writing time. Word dictionaries help reinforce the concept of ABC order and of course, dictionary skills, too!

I made this little Friday Freebie this week, too! 
{You can get your copy by clicking on any of the pictures above.}

I ended the week with a little fun! The hubs and I went to watch BYU FOOTBALL!!! 
It was a free open-to-the-public scrimmage, but it was FOOTBALL none the less!! 
I cannot get over how TALL these boys look!! They were huge!! And fast!! 
And I got sunburned!
{P.S. I am so excited NFL pre-season started this week!!! Go Steelers!!!}

Happy weekend!!

And remember,
There is Only Love! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Giveaway WINNER!! Back to School SALE!

I am so excited to announce the random winner of my School is Cool Mega Giveaway is….

                    Congratulations, Kristal!! We will all be emailing you today with your prizes! 

Thank you to EVERYONE who entered!! I hope you found some great new people to follow! 

I'm also excited to announce that today and tomorrow my entire TPT store is on sale 20%! Use the above code {BTS14} to get an extra discount!

Have a wonderful Monday!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Five For Friday and Freebies!


This was the week I was DREADING ALL SUMMER!!  It was the week the last two of  my step-children had to go back home to California. (Our teenage girls went back a week earlier to do some things with their friends.) We had the most wonderful summer with the four of them!! I miss them so much!! The house is soooo quiet. Too, quiet! (Which gives me WAY too much time to start worrying about school starting!)
This was before we started the five hour drive to Las Vegas to take the boys to their Mom.

This is after!!

I was able to host my very first BACK to SCHOOL giveaway this week!! I haven't done a giveaway with other people in many MANY moons and I was a bit nervous hosting one! There are a bunch of really amazing prizes thanks to all the wonderful people who donated! 

The giveaway is a little LONELY! (We've only had 50 people join in!!) I was so hoping for a little more! But hey, the odds of winning are pretty good! 

If you haven't had a chance to enter, I'd LOVE you to check it out here.  
The winner will be announced Monday morning! 

We took a creative break last week and took the boys to a local pottery place to paint pottery. We spent over TWO HOURS there just relaxing and painting! {Which is a total MIRACLE if you knew how active they are!!! Even my husband sat still that long!!} 

Final Products!!!

Last week I told you about my smaller planner by Plum Paper Designs on Etsy that I just LOVE!!  I am thinking of using it either for my guided reading groups or as my personal planner. I did love my Erin Condren planner last year and actually ordered one again for this year, and IT FINALLY CAME!!! I LOVE this new cover design!

This week, I was in such a funk!! I spent a lot of my down time reading inspirational quotes, talks, and reading my scriptures just to try to help pull myself up. I began this week putting together a bunch of the quotes I came by, so I could frame some of them and put them up in my bedroom. By the time I was done, I had two packets made!! I want to share them here with you! They are all FREE!! I hope some of these quotes help you in your time of need. You can find them Here:

Here's one of my favorites!

Happy weekend!! And remember,
There is Only Love!