Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yeah For a New Day!

Ok, first I must say YEAH for a new day!!  To those of you who checked in yesterday and read my total downer of a post, today was soooo much better! Nothing like getting a good night sleep and starting over. Today was just a great day! I have to thank everyone for your posts and well wishes. You guys really make life so much better!

I have to tell you about something kind of cool that happened today. My class rules fall under the saying "There is only Love". We have rules posted about what love in the classroom looks like, sounds like, etc. and I have photos of the students posted showing the various ways they can show love to one another and to the classroom in general....(such as helping each other, taking care of their books and supplies, cleaning up the floor, raising their hands, etc.) But let me back up a sec...

I don't know if I've shared the dynamics of my class this year. I have 17 boys and 9 girls. There were some students who came in with some pretty interesting behavior issues stemming from ADD/ ADHD. Needless to say, it has taken the last few months to really get behavior fine-tuned and the classroom really humming.

Well, anyway, today they were all working quietly at their seats and I came on over the mic system in my room and asked them to all stop and just listen....They all stopped and listened to the silence in the room and I asked "What do you hear??" ya know, wanting to call attention to how quietly they were working....and one little boy called out "Peace! I hear PEACE!" Then another boy, called out "LOVE! I hear LOVE!" And there was just this feeling in the room as they all kind of smiled and nodded, affirming that they all felt the same thing.....What a lesson that was for me....they were looking far deeper into the moment than I had been...who is the teacher?

What a gift our precious students are!! I thank Heavenly Father every day that these precious little ones are in my life. I learn so much from them.

There is only Love!


  1. Aww that is fantastic! Isn't it great how our students continue to surprise us with the depths of their characters? It's those moments that make all the difficult ones worth it!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. I didn't read yesterday post then to toss some love your way, but I'm happy today went MUCH better for you and your kidlets. What a nice story...ahhhhh, blissful quiet.

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. I passed the Sunshine Award to you. Your love for the Lord shines in your comment.
    First Grade Delight


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