Thursday, December 29, 2011

11 in 11 Linking Party Connection

Yeah!! ANOTHER LINKY PARTY!!! Since I can't sleep and I'm up late, I'm doing the totally fopaux thing to do and blogging twice in one day. But technically speaking, my last post started late in the evening of Wednesday night and this post is beginning early in the morning on Thursday.......Anyway! I love linky parties, and to make up for hardly blogging at all this week, I hope it is ok to let this one double post slide.

My bloggy friends, Hadar from Miss Kindergarten and Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher, have come up with a fun linking party that I hope you'll all join me in doing! 

11. Favorite Movie I Watched: Well, I didn't go to the movies much at all this past year....I did go see Breaking Dawn...but the winner by far, was The Help. I loved the book and I absolutely love it when they make the movie seem exactly how you imagined it in the book! 

10. Favorite TV Series: Definitely Modern Family! I love that show! It always gives me a great laugh and it is family oriented. Every Wednesday night I look forward to watching it!

9. Favorite Restaurant: (I can never spell restaurant correctly on the first try!! Arggh!) Well, this past year, Mimi's Cafe definitely won that competition. Although, Texas Roadhouse was a close second. I love Mimi's because of the variety of food. They even have a gluten-free menu that I can order from!

8. Favorite New Thing You Tried: Blogging and making packets for TpT. I started blogging in September and I was soooo blown away by all the teaching blogs that had already been around for years. I just hadn't tapped into the world of teaching blogs before that. Shocker!! What a rich and rewarding experience the past three months have been! I've become friends with so many of you. Your blog posts help keep me sane! Three months ago I never thought I'd get more than a few followers....I had no idea how supportive everyone is out here in bloggyland! Thanks for all the comments and support you've all given me.
Teaching First

7. Favorite Gift You Received: I would have to say having my parents drive out to visit me for a week this Fall. It was so great having them here. 

6. Favorite Thing You Pinned: You can take the girl out of the country, but you can never take the country out of the girl! I love this photo I pinned on Pinterest. I have an obsession with barns. Some day I'm going to live in a place like this.

5. Favorite Blog Post: 

4. Best Accomplishment: Seriously, my best accomplishment was overcoming my fear of starting a new blog. I just didn't know what to expect and I was afraid I just didn't have it in me. Plus, I never thought anyone would bother reading anything I said!! I am so glad I started a teaching blog! It's been so fun getting to know everyone!

3. Favorite Picture: My favorite photo is of my niece holding my pup. The sunlight backlit her hair and she looks so angelic. 

2. Favorite Memory: My favorite memory of the last year was spending time with my nieces and nephews over the summer. 

1. Goal for 2012: Take walks, be happy, love others and do my best.....and laugh alot!


  1. You're good! Your date shows up as Thursday -- ha ha. I can't sleep either. It's now 3am and I've just finished changing up my blog again:) BTW, your niece is beautiful! And so is that country pic. Nighty night.

    Grade ONEderful

  2. I love that picture of your niece and your puppy! Both of them are super cute! I am your newest follower!

  3. Hey Rebecca!

    I am so glad you found my blog because now I have found yours!! Yours is awesome! I am your newest follower.

    2nd Grade Paradise

  4. We have a Mimi's Cafe here in my town too and I love it! So yummy!

  5. Thanks for all the comments!! It's so fun reading the Linky Posts of find out we all have a little something in common! Barb, girlfriend, I didn't go to bed until after 3 a.m. either!! I better get back on track before work starts Tuesday! Yikes!

    Teaching First

  6. Thanks for linking up, Rebecca!!!
    I LOVE that pic of your niece - she does look like a little angel!!
    Modern Family - hilarious!!!!!
    I LOVE your blog and I'm so glad you have one. :) And that we found each other!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  7. Krisin!!! You are so amazing!! You must have posted a comment to over 100 people who did the linky party because I've seen your comments. That is sooo thoughtful and K-O-O-L of you! Thanks for always making my day brighter through your blog posts! So glad we found each other, too!Rebecca
    Teaching First

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm gonna watch The Help tomorrow. I can't wait! I'm not a big movie person, but I loved the book and I am excited to see the movie. I also love barns. :) That picture is amazing.
    Funky First Grade Fun

  10. I'm your newest follower from the linky party. I love Thomas Kincaid paintings. His books are awesome too. I hope you'll visit my blog sometime.

  11. I love Texas Road House too. And I can never spell restaurant. I always have to spell check it. Thanks for sharing!
    Life with Mrs. L

  12. Modern Family and Mimi's rock ^_^. New follower. Thanks for visiting and joining my blog.


I just LOVE your comments!