Monday, June 18, 2012

My Wedding Planning World...

Wowie! I really need to get back to my blog!! I'm so sorry!! I've been so wrapped up in wedding plans that I have been neglecting my next love, BLOGGING!! And since I have nothing but wedding plans on my mind, I thought I'd share a little of what I've pulled together in the past six (yes SIX) weeks!

 My Wedding World Update

I bought my beautiful wedding dress and I am just trying to lose a little (a lot??) more weight before getting the final alterations done! Oh, did I tell you that one of my dear room mothers from this past year is altering my wedding dress for me for FREE?? She is amazing!! She has her degree in sewing and told me she would love to alter my dress as a wedding gift!! Holy cowboy!! I couldn't believe it! I would post a photo of the dress, but my Sweetie reads my posts and I wouldn't want him to catch a glimpse of it before the big day! 

Photographer is selected! That was drama...My first choice turned out to be a not-so-good-friend of one of my brides maids (who knew??) so I had to quickly get out of that commitment....Then, I thought about asking a dear friend of mine, and he was willing to do it, but wasn't confident in his skills enough to really WANT to do it, so that was a no-go. The I found Matt Christensen Photography! He actually did my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's wedding last August and I love his style! And we even got a deal from him since we had a referral!! (I'm all about saving a dollar here and there!)

I bought my shoes (PINK!!) and have picked my flowers, but I will have to post about those later once I get back to Utah and I get photos of them! 

Right now, I have to figure out what I want the cake to look like! Chris' sister-in-law is has her own cake business, Cakes By Katelyn, so we are super blessed to have her making our cake!! We both love coconut, so for sure we know one layer will  have white cream frosting with coconut, but it is the outside that I need to decide on....I hate making decisions....What do you guys think?? I'd love your input! 

Here's what I've narrowed it down to:




So, what do ya think? Please leave me a comment and let me know your favorite wedding cake!! 

Oh, before I go, I have been able to squeeze in a little blog hopping! I found a fantastic blog that has DIY classroom ideas! There are so many super cute and easy to do ideas on this sight!! You'll have to check it out!

Classroom DIY

And my friends over at Sharing Kindergarten and Kindergarten Smiles are having an EVERYONE WINS GIVEAWAY!!! It is super easy to enter and they are giving away two super cute packets! I hope I win!!

Stay tuned for more wedding updates....
Hugs and Love,


  1. I like cake c the best - it is so close to cake B though - congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!


  2. I'd pick cake C, unless your dress has ruffles and then A might match. I'm excited for you. congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

  3. My wedding shoes were red! I really liked having something non-traditional (MIL wasn't so thrilled, oh well!). I like cake C too.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. For the last two summers I have been in wedding mode! First my son got married in 2110 , then my daughter got married last summer. I love all the cakes. You have decided on a flavor already...that's the important part. Now go for cost. Your cake will look nice no matter what... Just pick something you like. Good luck on the rest of your planning.

  5. I love cake "A."

  6. Cake A is really different,Cake B is my favorite. Who am I kidding I LOVE all cake. Wedding cake is my favorite flavor.So happy for you!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  7. My sister just got married at the beginning of the month, so I'm just getting out of wedding mode myself! (She had colored shoes too, yellow!)

    For the cakes, I think it might depend on on your venue and the 'style' of your wedding. I like Cake's a little whimsical. More casual that the traditional wedding cake. But if your style is more simple, or the event is a little more formal, I'd go with Cake B.

    ~Heidi V.

    PS Since you said you like coconut....have you ever had a coconut mojito? Oh my word! So good! And, I'm not a big fan of coconut either...maybe a signature cocktail for your wedding???? :)

  8. I like cake C! Wedding planning is CRAZY! Good Luck!
    Teachin' First

  9. My favorite is cake C!

  10. I love cake C.! I'm wedding planning right now too! I've picked out my dress too! I haven't found my shoes just's hard to find cute wedges! Good luck with everything!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I like cake very much...thanks for sharing nice information

    Wedding Planing in Ludhiana

  13. I liked cake A the best. I got married 2 weeks ago. I had a super small wedding which was great. I wanted to do colored shoes but I couldn't find any that hit me and then I found some champagne peep toed ones with flowers that I loved. Good luck with everything. Being married is a little weird, but great. I can't believe I live with a boy now.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  14. I'm in the middle of wedding plans too! All we have left is the cake! I'm so excited!!! It's been so much fun! But expensive! I can't wait to see it all together on 10/6/12!

    I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll check out my "manly" blog!


  15. Yes I agree the wedding planner is very useful for your wedding planner. My close friend is planned her wedding with the help of wedding planner, but it is expensive. Another friend is used the wedding app to plan his wedding because she is planned his wedding within the budget.


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