Saturday, September 8, 2012


I can't tell you how much I've missed blogging and being connected with all my blogging teaching friends!! I have really really missed everyone! 

Today is such a beautiful day out here in Utah! It's prefect Fall weather, great for a drive up in the mountains and a football game. I just dropped my hubby off at the BYU football game and I am enjoying catching up on some long awaited blog-hopping time while listening to the football game on tv! Don't ya just love Fall? I think it is my favorite time of the year! The windows are open, a nice breeze is blowing, the sun is shining and life is good....

and, I am soooo excited to jump back into blogging with Farley's "Currently"! Don't you just love Farley!? 

If you want to join in the "Currently" link-up just click on over to Farley's blog, Oh boy, 4th Grade and join in the fun! It's a great way to connect with other bloggers! Oh, and don't forget Farley's rule of 3: Go 2 behind your link on her link-up party and leave a comment, and go 1 ahead of your link on her link-up and leave a comment. 

Happy Saturday!
Hugs and loads of love,


  1. Shoes that massage your feet would be an excellent invention! My feet are killing me in these first few weeks of the school year.

  2. Oh man, I WISH we had fall weather here in AZ. We don't even get fall colors here. Just one day in December all of the leaves fall off. It's still 90-100 degrees here... :-(

  3. Welcome back to the blogging world! I know how exciting it is to finally be back. I am diving back into after being gone for almost a month!

    Wouldn't shoes that massage your feet all day be AMAZING!

  4. Your picture is beautiful! I'd love to live in Utah..our trees are starting to change here in NC ever so slightly, but we're still dealing with warm temps and humidity


  5. I miss BYU football and the changing of the seasons. But I am still glad I don't have to drive in the snow. :) Enjoy the fall weather. I am jealous.
    Life with Mrs. L


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