Wowie, what a storm that Sandy is...I've been watching the news coverage the last 24 hours and it looks terrible!! My thoughts and prayers are being sent out to all of you who are effected.
Can you believe tomorrow is Halloween?? I have the perfect Halloween BINGO Games and Activities on sale on TpT today and tomorrow! If you want to play Halloween Bingo or Pin the Spider on the Web, this game packet is for you! I will give this packet away to the first three loyal followers who leave me a comment below! (Don't forget to leave your email!)
I also have my Halloween Math Activities for Young Learners on sale for anyone in need of some academic fun!

I hope your Halloween goes smoothly and that your day isn't too crazy!! I'm playing things down this year and going as a nurse in scrubs! (Comfort rules!! It is my secret wish that teachers wore scrubs to work daily!!) What are you dressing up as? I'd love to hear from you!