Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Give Away Winners Announced!!

Thank you sooooooooo much to all of YOU for supporting my give away this week! I appreciate all of your wonderful comments and thank you for following me on Facebook and TpT. Congratulations to my three winners, Amber K., Bren P. and Cindy C. I will be emailing you shortly! I hope you enjoy your packet! :)

If you are in the mood for more spider activities, you are in luck! I'm joining up with my best bloggy buddy, Jennifer, over at Rowdy in First Grade to do Web of a Spider Give Away! Head on back here tomorrow to see the cute packets we are giving away and how to enter!

I know it is only Wednesday, but today was my Friday! We are officially on Fall Break through next MONDAY!!! I am soooo happy to just have a couple of days to get caught up on sleep! My Fall Break isn't going to be much of rest, though. My Hubby and I are getting ready for a multi-family garage sale on Saturday. Last weekend we went to our storage unit and hauled boxes and boxes of our precious junk belongings and placed them in our living room. Combining two homes into one little townhouse makes for a lot of stuff! 

The plan was to sort through things while we watched t.v. in the evenings. We are wonderful at making grand plans! It sounded so perfect...just sort through a box or two each night and we'd be ready for the big sale on Saturday. Yah, well, the boxes are still sitting there, untouched, collecting yet more dust...Ugh! So, tomorrow we MUST start sorting....Yah, there's that much stuff! 

My Hubby is sooo cute! He has been coming in once a week to help me do an art activity with my students. We've been studying about shapes this week and I adapted a cute pumpkin art activity I found on Pinterest into an activity on shape. We cut triangles, circles, ovals, squares, and rectangles to make these cute Jack-o-lanterns. 

(See the cute pumpkins that inspired this project here.)

Since we have to connect our art activities to the curriculum we covered shapes and we also wrote "How To" stories. We brainstormed ideas that they could write about. The children came up with "How to Carve a Jack-o-lantern", "How to Grow a Pumpkin", "How to Go Trick-or-Treating" among others. 

I had introduced the "How To" story structure two weeks ago, including a title, introduction, first, next, then, last, and a conclusion. We have the story map up in the classroom so the students can refer to it as they write. We took the story through the writing and editing phases and we are just starting to put up their final drafts. I'm so excited! They are doing a great job!

Wish me luck on tackling my "To Do" list the next few days! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
And remember, be kind to yourself...
There is Only Love,

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca your pumpkins are adorable! The teeth are too classic-makes it! Enjoy your days off and a lil R&R. After you finish EVERYTHING on your to do list of course!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade


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