Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Blog Design- Halloween Sale!

Wowie, what a storm that Sandy is...I've been watching the news coverage the last 24 hours and it looks terrible!! My thoughts and prayers are being sent out to all of you who are effected.

I just LOVE my new blog design by Becca over at Jumpin Jax Design!! She did such a fabulous job and she is so AMAZING to work with! She was so patient with me! I am the most indecisive person, and Becca changed things and answered my questions and worked on my page until I loved it!! I totally recommend her if you are thinking of jumping into blogging or wanting to update your current blog design!

Can you believe tomorrow is Halloween?? I have the perfect Halloween BINGO Games and Activities on sale on TpT today and tomorrow! If you want to play Halloween Bingo or Pin the Spider on the Web, this game packet is for you! I will give this packet away to the first three loyal followers who leave me a comment below! (Don't forget to leave your email!)

I also have my Halloween Math Activities for Young Learners on sale for anyone in need of some academic fun!

I hope your Halloween goes smoothly and that your day isn't too crazy!! I'm playing things down this year and going as a nurse in scrubs! (Comfort rules!! It is my secret wish that teachers wore scrubs to work daily!!) What are you dressing up as? I'd love to hear from you!



  1. HI...am a follower in need of something fun to do on Halloween!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. Your Bingo is a great idea! Have a wonderful Halloween!
    Mary Pitner pitnerm107 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Pitner's Potpourri

  3. Your blog's new look is very sweet.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. This looks amazing! Love the new look!

  5. I love your new design! I hate that I'm number 5 lol!
    First Grade @ Storybook Cafe

  6. So cute!! I LOVE your new design!!

    The First Grade Dream

  7. Love the new design! Which package did you get? I think I am going to use them! Love it!

  8. Hi!
    My name is Joana, I am 24 years old and I am from Portugal (next to Spain).
    I am a primary school teacher in a private college and this is my third year of teaching. Since last year I discovered many blogs like yours through “Pinterest”.
    I implemented some of your ideas and I am fascinated by your creativity, cooperation in classroom, independence and autonomy that you give to the children.
    I’d tried to do many things similar to yours but they were not always well accepted by my director and coordinator, because innovation makes a difference, and in making a difference insecurity is more than often created!
    I wonder if there’s any possibility to do an internship in your school, to learn and see, in practice, what I visualize in your blogs.
    I’d love to get an international experience for about one or two years in your country.
    My partner, Tiago, is also a teacher. He teaches English to Kindergarten and primary school children. He wanted to go to China but for me, it’s too far, and then there is the difference in the culture and language which would cause other types of adaption, which I feel would impede my spontaneity. He would love to learn new approaches and different strategies in his field.
    My e-mail is: joana_mbarbosa@hotmail.com, and I trust that you will be able to assist me in improving my educational skills. If it is necessary to give my contact to another person, please feel free to do so.
    With my best regards,
    Joana Fernandes

  9. Hi Rebecca, I came across your blog site and found it interesting and full or articles to read. I'm looking forward to see more articles and stuffs on your site. Your blog design is pretty cool too.


I just LOVE your comments!