Tuesday, January 29, 2013

C-RAZY Weather!! And a Video Happy For You!

Holy SNOW, Batman!!! Yah, who goes to school in a white out?? We do!! We had over 7 inches of snow today and still, we Utahans push through it and carry on as though it's April showers!

See that semi? Yah, that was almost my hubby and me today on the freeway!!! The car in front of us started sliding off the road and we braked and started fish tailing it...

Ya know how in really scary situations it feels like the world is in slow motion and you can totally predict what is about to happen and you are bracing for the worst and yet you can't do anything to prevent it from happening?? {I bet cha that's what that semi driver was feeling...}

Yah, so there we were sliding in slow motion one way then the other way...the anti-lock brakes were going thud, thud, thud....and my hubby calmly, slowly, as though he is like some awesome stunt driver who has done this millions of times, gets the car back into control and manages to STAY ON THE FREEWAY!!!

He's awesome!

Saved my life today, he did...

When I got out of the car,  I kissed that snowy white sidewalk and thanked the Good Lord above....when I got to the doctor's office, of course. {Not that darned freeway!}

So yah, I got to play a little hookie this afternoon to go to the doctor in this crazy weather. I'm not sure it was really worth it....I mean, who likes taking time off to go see the doctor?? {In a snow storm?? And almost getting killed???}

Anyhoo, the cute little nurse says to me she just wants to slip that little blood pressure velcro thingy around my arm and check things out....

Let's just say that a "normal" blood pressure reading for me is pretty low....say 90/69 or something....

143/68!!!!! I've NEVER been over 100!

She says, "Under a little bit of stress?"

Uh, no!! I just almost had a near death experience on the way over here!!!!

Ugghhh....anyway, we made it safely back home, no thanks to all the crazy drivers out there, and we've been holed up watching a movie while the snow is still falling....

and falling...

and falling...

I'm a transplant from the midwest where they cancel school the day before because it just might maybe  if you are lucky snow....

And it's not supposed to stop for two more days.

And yes, we will have school...

....because Utah rarely closes school for snow. {Am I right, my Utah peeps??}

I hope you are all surviving all the crazy weather we're having across the country. I saw that there were tornado warnings in the south and crazy warm temperatures on the east coast!! (SOOooo jealous!!!) If you have any crazy weather stories please share!!

Come back tomorrow! I have a new February Freebie Link Up, some new packets on TpT and a freebie for you!!!

Peace out,

YOU have GOT to watch this video my friend Jennifer from Rowdy in First Grade posted on Facebook today! I love it!!
(...and I love Space Jam....)

Ok, update!!! The last link was NOT the video I meant to post!! 

Here it is!!!!!


  1. How crazy!! I live in central Virginia (& have my entire life); my favorite weather story is from when I was young. The schools canceled school because snow was supposed to come to a town more than an hour away! Best part is... the snow never came! :) Hope you have time to play in the snow!


    1. See!!! That's what I'm talking about! ha ha! They did the same thing in Illinois where I grew up! Gotta love snow days that don't even have snow!! Love it!! Thanks for sharing Sarah!

  2. So glad you are safe! Your pictures speak a thousand words. WOW! I hope everyone was ok. Now go enjoy the snow!

    1. Thanks so much! It was pretty crazy driving! I am sure we'll have fun in the snow sometime soon! :)

  3. Wow, I am glad that your hubby was able to get control, so you were safe. I can't believe how much your blood pressure went up. I bet you were filled with adrenaline.

    Hope the roads are better tomorrow!

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. Thanks, Becky! Yah, I was soooooo grateful!! The car in front of us went off the road. (sad...but they appeared to be safe...) Yah, crazy about my heart rate!!! Hope your weather isn't too crazy where you are!

  4. Yeah, I don't even know what to think about all that snow. We live GA and it's the same- they cancel at the thought of snow. There's no way I'd survive trying to drive in all THAT and I would soooo hate how cold it must be...I commend you!!! (And I'm so glad the 2 of you made it safely!!)

    Collaboration Cuties

    1. Oh, I soooo want to move SOUTH!!! I'm not a huge fan of snow! I can't wait for summer to get here! ;)
      Thanks so much, Amanda!

  5. I'm glad you're ok! They told us to leave as soon as the kids were gone today because the roads were so bad. I was sad because I had to stay for after school. :-(

    Simply Second

  6. What's up with Utah? That photo is unbelievable!

  7. Holey moley - that's some snow. I'm in Kentucky and we cancel school just for the prediction of winter weather or tornadoes or heavy rain.. haha :) Good luck!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  8. Eeeesh girl-super scary! Glad you are alright and that your hubs will now be recruited by Hollywood. Our poor lil peanuts are "freeeeeezing" here in Cali because it's a chilly 62 degrees inside the house when we wake up. Barf-huh?!
    Here's to sunny days ahead!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade


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