Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Freebie Place Value

So, ya know how I told you all about how my class has been sick so much since we got back from Christmas break? My goal has been to have at least one day with ALL of my students back to school with me before the end of this week! Guess what?? Yesterday was the day!! All 26 of my little darlings were there for the first time THIS NEW YEAR!!

                                 Can you give me a "WHOOOO HOOO!!"?

But, sadly it was three were sick and.....

                             TEACHER WENT HOME SICK, too!!    *Gasp!!*

I know, I know....Here I am complaining that my kiddos are sick every day and then, WHAM!
Like a freaking mac truck it totally hit me at 10:30 this morning.

I will say that I wasn't feeling well last night....up off and on throughout the night....but I woke up feeling off to work I went.

Then an hour into teaching... Shock-a-FREAKING-kon!!!! 

This stomach bug that is going around is simply not very nice....I won't go into the gory details of the rest of my day, but let's just say this girl ain't going anywhere near a chili cheese dog for many moons!

Anyhoo, I have a super cute freebie (that I made last year) for ya! I hope you enjoy! (Just click on the image below.)

If you download this freebie you'll make my day by showing me some love in the comments! You can even go the extra mile and show me the love by following my blog or TpT store! Either way, here's a love for you!

I'm keeping this short and sweet 'cause I'm hangin' by a thread right now.

Check back tomorrow for a give away and a blog spotlight!

Hugs and Love!

Freebie Fridays
P.S. Don't forget to link up all your great freebies for January here:


  1. Were you talking about this place value being a freebie? It not when you click on it. Thanks.

    1. Thanks so much, Susan! The link is fixed now! So sorry about that! Yes, this is the packet that is free! :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the germs hanging around you and your room. Yesterday was my first day with all healthy kids too. Take care of yourself. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for sharing this amazing pack!
    Teachin' First

  4. I found your blog through Friday Freebies, and I'm so happy I did. This is a great product! Thanks :)

    I am your newest follower

    Mindful Rambles

  5. Thank you for the generous freebie - it's timely, not to mention fabulous!

  6. I hope you are feeling better by now! Thanks for the freebie!

  7. I just tried clicking on the picture and it takes me to a paid product


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