Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break Is Over! New Products Give Away!

Today was my first day back to school after a week off for Spring Break. I have to admit, I was SUPER tired all day! I think my kiddos were, too. During silent reading this morning there wasn't a sound! Everyone just came in, sat down and started reading! It was soooo nice!!

Spring Break was really relaxing for me and my honey. We went out of town down to Long Beach and stayed at the Hyatt on the ocean front. It was such a beautiful week in sunny Southern California! Our hotel was right on the marina and looked out on the Queen Mary. I so did NOT want to leave to come back to rainy Utah weather!

While I was on break I managed to make a couple of new packets! {Crazy! I know!} I also woke up Sunday morning to a HUGE surprise! My packet, Money For Young Learners, made the TpT newsletter!! I was soooooo excited!!! I wanted to pay it forward to all of you, so I'm giving away each of the new packets I made last week and my Money packet!

I'm giving them away to 3 lucky winners on Thursday so I hope you will join in the fun!

Thanks to everyone who has linked up with my April Freebies linky party this month! Go check out some of the amazing freebies my friends have posted! And link up your own amazing April freebies throughout this month. Just follow the button below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Went to Paris with the family during the break!

  2. Taxes, cleaning, purging closets, baking, coffee with friends, shopping...very relaxing. (Well, except the taxes!)

    Congrats on making the newsletter!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  3. Looks like you had a beautiful, relaxing break.


  4. I had a family reunion here at my house with college kids home, parents, and grandparents. :)

  5. I cleaned and got together with friends. it was an all around good time, but I would prefer to have traveled somewhere. I'm working on planning a trip somewhere - anywhere!!

  6. We had a short spring break about a month ago, and we spent it watching basketball tournaments for my daughter:)

  7. I shopped A LOT over spring break! Congrats on making the newsletter and thank you for this fabulous giveaway!

    K-3 Connection

  8. Our Spring break isn't for another 9 days! I plan on painting our hallway and guest bathroom. I wish I were going away though! Thanks for this great giveaway!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  9. We are getting ready to teach money so this would be GREAT!

  10. Spring break, I attempted to clean house and got my car tuned up. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I slept, read, and shopped! Lindsey

  12. I enjoyed sleeping in, shopping, and making some new things for my TPT store

  13. I spent my spring break with my three boys and the hubby in Northern Michigan.

  14. My spring break was marred a bit by surgery... I ended up having 3 hernias and one was incarcerated...ugh... I am still out, though...trying to get better fast!! I know I sound like an old woman...hey wait!! I am !! 55 years old, but the only difference now is that I feel like 55 with this surgery! Can't wait to get back to normal!!! hahaha! Amy :)

  15. I visited relatives and did some fun shopping!

  16. I made centers, cleaned, took care of a sick baby, and just nothing.

    Crystal Shepherd
    The lamppost in 1st grade math

  17. I painted my house and put in wood flooring.
    Lori M

  18. Looks like you had a nice trip! This is the first year in a while that my husband and I stayed at home for Spring Break. At least the majority of the house cleaning is finished! I am your newest follower! ~Tava


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