Monday, May 20, 2013


Thank you so much for all the happy birthday wishes! I had a wonderful birthday yesterday with my family! We enjoyed going out for breakfast, playing hard all day, and ending the day with a date with my husband to the Cheesecake Factory!

And here's a huge thank you to everyone for entering my giveaway last week! With it being my birthday I didn't get to posting my winners until tonight! Here are the three lucky winners of my end of the year Yearbook:

Winners, be sure to check your email for your prize! 
If you are interested in purchasing this little packet, just click on the image below! My Firsties have been working on this this week and they are turning out super cute!

And lastly, my heart breaks for the people of Oklahoma tonight. From a midwesterner who grew up around tornados, I cannot believe the devastation I have seen on tv the last few hours. Sending my prayers of love and support, and praying for angels to surround you and protect your hearts....

Hugs and Love,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Class Yearbook Give Away!

Hello, my friends! Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, and teachers! We all contribute to "mothering" the children around us and I hope no one feels left out of today's celebration of motherhood!

I am just getting ready for our end of the year district testing for first grade. It is hard to believe in just a little over two weeks we will be out of school for the summer. We are going full-throttle with reviewing and testing right to the end! To give my students a little break from all the reviewing and testing, I updated my end of the year yearbook! I just barely uploaded it to TpT for sale tonight. 

It is a 26 page packet full of fun and cute ways to remember the past year!

In celebration of my birthday this Saturday I am giving this yearbook away to three lucky winners!! Entering will end Thursday at midnight and the winners will be announced Friday! I hope you'll spread the word and enter to win!

Happy Mother's day and here's to a wonderful week ahead for all of us!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sprout Houses, Mother's Day and Owls!

{Button created by Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Design}

Tonight is the last night of the big Teacher Appreciation Sale over at TpT! I've loaded my cart up (a second time!!) and I'm ready to make my purchases! 

We did the sprout houses from my Plant and Flower's packet last week. They are hanging up in our window and the roots are just beginning to show! 

You can check out my top selling Plant and Flower's packet here.

If you are still looking for ideas for Mother's Day, yesterday I posted about my Mother's Day Top 10 book available on sale over at my TpT store. 

Here are some sample pages from the one's my students have been working on this week!

You can check out my Mother's Day book here.

We finished up my Moon Unit last week by making these adorable owls! I got the idea from Deep Space Sparkle. She had this idea as a torn paper art lesson. We used oil pastels instead and had just as cute results!

You can check out my Moon Packet here.

Happy shopping!! Ends tonight so hurry on over!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

{Button created by Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Designs}

You don't want to miss this sale!! I've already purchased some things over at Teachers Pay Teachers and my cart is already full again with round two! Don't miss out on 28% off EVERYTHING in my store if you use the code TAD13 at checkout!

Here's a couple of new products that I have in my store:

And for Mother's Day, my class is making this cute Top 10 count down book, only $1.25 right now!

Happy shopping!!