Sunday, May 12, 2013

Class Yearbook Give Away!

Hello, my friends! Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, and teachers! We all contribute to "mothering" the children around us and I hope no one feels left out of today's celebration of motherhood!

I am just getting ready for our end of the year district testing for first grade. It is hard to believe in just a little over two weeks we will be out of school for the summer. We are going full-throttle with reviewing and testing right to the end! To give my students a little break from all the reviewing and testing, I updated my end of the year yearbook! I just barely uploaded it to TpT for sale tonight. 

It is a 26 page packet full of fun and cute ways to remember the past year!

In celebration of my birthday this Saturday I am giving this yearbook away to three lucky winners!! Entering will end Thursday at midnight and the winners will be announced Friday! I hope you'll spread the word and enter to win!

Happy Mother's day and here's to a wonderful week ahead for all of us!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We are taking our kiddos to a waterpark and then having an end of the year bash in the classroom. :) Thank you for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize!

  2. I always like to do certificates/rewards and a fun summer writing activity.

  3. Haven't even started thinking...four more weeks for us!

  4. End of the year assessments are right around the corner. Your yearbook looks like a nice culmination for the children.

  5. We are getting ready for our class "unbirthday party" and a field trip to Hollywood connection! 18 more days and it just can't end fast enough!

  6. We are just going to be singing songs and creating some art projects! Happy Birthday!

  7. We are doing the ABC activity countdown!

  8. We have some special days planned with Book Character Day, Career Day and our end of the year party/cookout.

  9. Ice cream sundae party! I still have a few weeks to go though! Happy Birthday!
    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  10. We have an end of the year carnival!

  11. I printed out tags and am giving each student a bouncy ball saying I hope your summer is a ball. We are also doing a field day next week where there will be fun activities in each first grade teacher's room. :)


  12. I am doing the cute balloon idea I have seen all over Pinterest/blogs! We will pop a balloon each of the remaining 9 days of school and do a fun activity :) Lindsey

  13. I am doing a balloon countdown for the last 10 days this year. Other classrooms are doing the A-Z countdown!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  14. Our PTO host an Extravaganza filled with outdoor activities and a dance party in the cafeteria that all grade levels rotate through. It is a fun way to end the year:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  15. Balloon countdown for the last 10 days. 3 more balloons to pop!!!

  16. Hello from a fellow Utah blogger! I just found your blog through that linky and can't believe I haven't found it before now! Right now my class (and school) is in the middle of the brain Olympics.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!
    Totally Terrific Teaching

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