Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm Thankful Linky Party

One of my favorite blogs, What the Teacher Wants, is having an I'm Thankful Linky Party and I thought "What a great idea!" I've been on a roller coaster of emotions this weekend and what a better way to pull out of a rut than to give thanks for all the many many people, experiences, and things that have come into your life that make you, well, you!  I hope you will take a moment and leave a comment about something you are thankful for!

1. What are you thankful for in your classroom?
This probably goes without saying, but I am so thankful for my students. They light up my world and their little spirits are so full of goodness and wonder. I am thankful to be able to teach them, and to be taught by them. They make me feel closer to heaven when I am with them.

2. What person are you most thankful for? It is difficult for me to narrow it down to just one person, but I would have to say my mother. She has supported me and loved me and been my number one cheerleader. She is also my number one hero.  She is so giving to everyone, and she has overcome some incredible adversity in her life. 

3. What 3 bolgs are you most thankful for? Again, this is sooo tough. I follow so many incredible blogs... 

First, if it weren't for Jennifer over at Rowdy in First Grade, I probably would have given up on blogging at the start! I reached out to her with questions on how to set up my blog at the very beginning and well, she became my BFF in blogging land! I'm so grateful for her friendship, emails, and support! 

Second, Caitlin over at Ms. Preppy is another blogging friend that I have gotten to know better through our give aways. I love her posts and love the Holly Bloggy Christmas idea! I am amazed at how she has organized the whole Christmas gift exchange....that is so much work!! She, too, has been such a support since I started blogging in September.

A Teeny Tiny Teacher

And then of course, there is my new friend, Kristin, over at A Teeny Tiny Teacher. What would I do without her daily doses of reality!?? I love how candid she is and how she is able to bring out the humor in the daily events of a teacher's life in such a way that we can all relate! Thanks so much for the smiles and laughs!

4. What guilty pleasure are you most thankful for?
I will admit, it is a toss up between my bed and the internet. But, I have to go with the internet. I am so grateful to be able to connect with so many amazingly thoughtful, talented, and hardworking teachers all across the globe. What a blessing to have a connection with all of YOU!

5. What are you most thankful for?
My life. I am grateful for all the ups and downs that I've experienced that make me a better, stronger person. I am grateful for suffering, for heartache, for unexpected blessings and miracles. I am grateful to feel loved and appreciated on my good days and bad. I am grateful for each new day and for my faith in Heavenly Father that keeps me strong.

I hope you will leave a comment below on what you are thankful for, and I hope you'll link up with me at What The Teacher Wants and share some of the things you are thankful for.


  1. Thanks friend!! I have no idea why my fonts are sooo random! Can't seem to fix it either! Oh well, get out your magnifying glass to read!! ha ha!
    Teaching First

  2. Had to laugh at your choice between bed and the Internet. That would be me too. Love to curl up in a warm bed but blogging. . .that's fun!

    Grade ONEderful

  3. Oh what would we do without the internet?????? AH! I would be so bored! :)
    Thank you for linking up!

  4. I sent you a sunshine award...come check it out! Going Nutty! Staci

  5. Awwwww! Thank you for the shout out!!! You're too sweet and you made my day! :) THANK YOU!
    I am so in agreement with the bed thing. Sometimes, I have to avoid looking at it when I'm getting ready in the morning because I will crawl right back in. :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  6. Hey Rebecca! I just wanted you to know I read your blog all the time and I love it. It's fun to hear what's going on back at Franklin! Thanks for all your tips and cute supplies! And thanks for helping me remember to be greatful for the little things. :)
    -Kellie Hansen (I was Jaclyn's student teacher in sept/oct. Hope you guys are doing well!)

  7. Your blog is extra wonderful- here's another Sunshine Award.
     Chrissy

    First Grade Found Me

  8. I love your blog design! It is too cute!!

  9. Aww! Thank you! I have an incredible daughter who is beautiful, thoughtful and loving. AND, the best teacher in the whole wide world!!! Yes, I am a tiny bit partial, but I do know an excellent teacher when I see one.
    Love you!

  10. I paid her to say that! he he! Thanks Mom!
    Teaching First


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