Monday, January 9, 2012

Updated Penguin Activities

I hope you all are off to a great start of a new week! Last Friday I started sneezing at work and I KNEW I was coming down with a cold! All it takes is those first few sneezes and wham! I'm sick. I tried to fight it off all weekend with everything under the sun....vitamin C, zinc, Airborne, cayenne pepper, and sleep...nothing worked.  I woke up to an out-of-control sinus infection and just wanted to roll over and burry myself under my covers! Ooooh, it was soooo cold in my bedroom, too! And my bed was so warm and comfy!!

My alarm went off on my phone and the alarm clock who knows how many times....I just kept whacking them both and dozing off until the very last minute. For just a brief moment I thought about calling in sick...but yah, no. The thought of making sub-plans killed that idea fast. So there was no other choice....I pushed it until the very last possible minute, and then dragged myself out of bed and got to work.

The entire day was a blur. It was one of those days where you are just in a trance. I couldn't wait for the day to be over so I could get home and jump in a hot bath and climb back into bed. Aaahhh! Except, after my hot bath, getting my pjs on and climbing into bed, I couldn't sleep. (Of course!)

So, I pulled out my laptop and decided to add some more items to my Penguin Activities packet....Four hours later, and 82 pages long, it is all finished and updated on TpT. Yeah!  (Why does it take forever to upload things onto TpT lately??) If you have already purchased it, be sure to go and download the updated version for free! I've added more activities, adjusted some graphics and some of the art templates and added almost 15 more pages, so you'll for sure want to check it out!

Oh, and if you haven't noticed, I keep messing around with my blog format....sorry for all the changing back and forth...I think I like it the way it is now. =)

Here's to a good night's sleep and a healthier tomorrow!
There is only Love,


  1. This AWESOME! I love penguins and this unit is perfect :) I just love visitin your blog :) Hope you're having a great Tuesday :)

    Hugs and smiles,
    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  2. Cute penguins! And feel better! If it helps, my bed is too warm and comfy to get out on a normal day, nevermind when I don't feel good!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are the worst!
    Grade ONEderful

  4. I hope you feel better. I am like you. I would much rather drag myself to school than to prepare sub plans. I hope your little darlings were nice to you. I am a new follower.

    Queen with Class

  5. I hope you feel better! I'll be praying for you.
    Teachin' First

  6. I hope you are feeling better! Your penguin activities look awesome! I found your link from Color Me Kinder's site and was hoping to be added to your "New Bloggers on the Block" blogroll. Please Please :) Thanks so much and I'll be sure to check back for more awesome activities!!


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