Friday, February 10, 2012

New Blog on the Block and Friday Feebie

Hip hip hooray!! It's Friday!! Wow! I don't know about you, but this was a long week! We are getting ready for our Patriotic Program that our school is putting on next week, and between practicing for that and teaching, things got off schedule. And when things get off schedule, you know how that effects the little ones! My kiddos were hyper all week!! So, yeah for Friday!!

I love Friday Freebies! My class is working on place value so I created a fun little activity for them this week. I hope you enjoy!  (Just click on the images below to get your free download!) Oh, and don't forget to leave me a little comment if you like your freebie! Nothing like a little love to make the world go round! :)

I also have a new addition to my New Blog on the Block!! This week please give a very warm welcome to  Elementary Apples! She's a brand new blogger and would love you to stop by and say hello! Please head on over and give her a warm welcome!

I was having a rough go of it the last few weeks and was getting pretty discouraged. Some sweet friends of mine dropped off a Valentine's Day card and a little treat for me last night and I just loved the little quote they included. I am sharing it with you in hopes that it brings comfort to anyone who may be a bit discouraged, too.  Thanks to so many amazing friends out there who help me remember who I am and to keep my chin up when I feel a bit overwhelmed. "This, too, shall pass."

"Nothing burns as bright, nothing shimmers so
As the smile of a friend when hope is running low.
And how your hand feel warm when you dry a tear,
Love is in fashion any time of the year."
-Cherie Call Anderson

There is only Love,


  1. Absolutely precious and really needed right now! Thank you!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  2. Thank you for your comments, Hadar and Laura! I hope you enjoy!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing, can't wait to use these, my kiddos really need the extra practice, and they are super cute!

  4. This was a long week for me too. What do you do for your Patriotic Program? Our first grade Patriotic Program is at the end of the month and we sing the Star Spangled Banner, This Land is Your Land, and Yankee Doodle. 3 classes do these songs and the other 3 classes sing 3 other songs. The freebie is great too!
     Chrissy

    First Grade Found Me

  5. Thanks for the freebie! I feel like we can always use some extra practice with place value!

    ~Heidi V.

  6. Thanks for the freebie! It is perfect for my math stations!

    First Grade Magic

  7. I have been missing you and am sorry you have been having a rough patch. I hope it's nothing but warm hugs and blue skies for you from now. Thanks for the cute, cute freebie.
    Happy Weekend and week ahead,

  8. Thanks! LOVE a good freebie!!

  9. Great freebie, Rebecca! Thank you :)

    Grade ONEderful

  10. Thanks for the freebie, Rebecca. We're getting into place value now so it's perfect. I'm sorry you've been having a rough time. I'm not sure what're going through, but just keep in mind my favorite bible verse - Isaiah 41:13, "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee." I'll be praying for you!
    Teachin' First

  11. Thanks for sharing! This is super cute!! We are right in the middle of learning about place value!

    The First Grade Dream

  12. Thank you for this awesome freebie. I plan on printing it today!

    I'm having a giveaway over at my blog. I'd love it if you'd stop by!

    Krazy About Kiddos

  13. Hi there! Thanks so much for this awesome place value freebie. I think its going to be a lot of fun for my students. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  15. Amazing post with lots of informative and useful and amazing content. Well written and done!! Thanks for sharing keep posting.


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