Friday, February 17, 2012

Patriotic Program! Give Away Winner! Friday Freebie!

Last night our school put on our Patriotic Program. Every year we alternate between doing a Christmas Program or a Patriotic Program. Each grade decorates the gym with patriotic decorations and is assigned a number to sing, along with speaking parts. While the other grades are singing, we take the students back to our rooms to wait for the grand finale. The grand finale takes some logistical coordinating, but we manage to bring all grades, K-6th out on stage, on the steps to the stage and around the outside edges of the gym to sing. Our final numbers were My Country Tis of Thee and America (by Neal Diamond).  Every time we do the Patriotic Program the numbers are different and the speaking parts change, but the one thing that never changes is the amazing feelings of patriotism that fill the gym. 

If you'd like to download a copy of our Patriotic Program, you can find it here!

Here are some portraits of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington that the First Graders did! 
I just love the fro on this one!

Here are some other decorations that the other grades did:

And I am soooo excited to announce the winners of my Place Value Give Away!

Congratulations to Miss Squirrels, Holly and Mrs. Wheeler!! Be looking for your products in an email from me soon!

For all of you who joined in my give away, here is a cute Friday Freebie for you! I hope you enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave me a little comment if you like your freebie! Nothing like a little love to make the world go round! :)

Have a wonderful, restful weekend! I'm off to a 3-day weekend of cleaning my house and relaxing!
There is only Love,


  1. Yeah me! Thanks for having the giveaway, Rebecca! I can't wait to start printing and laminatin'!

    Going Nutty!

  2. The decorations look great! It sounds like a really fun school wide project! :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. Wow!!! What a cool program! I love that you have a grand finale - how big is your school???
    I know all of the ladies who won == I'm jealous!!!!! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. Woo hoooo.....I love being lucky. Thanks mucho!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. I love the artwork!! (thank you for the freebie!=)
    First Grade Blue Skies

  6. Wow.. that program sounds awesome and also like a lot of work. We have way too many kids and much too small of a multi-purpose room {no such thing as a gym at our school} to pull that off.

    That abe and his marvelous hair is cracking me up! Those bears are adorable.
    Dragonflies in First

  7. I just found your blog & love it! I'm your newest follower!


    Lesson plans & Lattes

  8. I am your newest follower! Your blog is so cute!! Love the owls. When you have time, come check out my blog.


  9. I just found your blog and it is adorable!


    Apples and ABC's


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