Friday, March 23, 2012

YAHOOO!!! and a Letter of Encouragement

Yeah!! It is Friday!! This year is starting to pick up speed...I can't believe that April is almost here and that means Spring Break, testing, and then summer vacation!!! This week the snow melted and it warmed up into the 70s! I had bus duty this week and I didn't even need to wear a coat! Whoo Hoo!! I hope this means a warm April and May, but in Utah, we always seem to get a freak snow storm in those months.

And, YAHOOOO HOLY MOLY FLIP FLOPS!!!! I cannot believe this, but I WON 1st PLACE over at Holly's giveaway at Criss Cross Applesauce yesterday!! Did you see her mega-give away celebrating her new blog look??!!  I just LOVE Holly! I've been a devoted follower of hers since she first started blogging. In fact, she told me I was her very first follower!!! That makes winning her give away that much sweeter!!

As part of winning  first place, guess who is going to be a guest blogger over here on my little bitty blog?? KRISTIN FROM A TEENY TINY TEACHER!! I am sooooo excited!!! Who doesn't just die laughing at Kristin's blog posts?? She seriously needs to write a book! (P.S. She has the cutest writing paper freebie over there right now! Go check it out!) I feel sooo blessed to have won all the FABULOUS prizes from her giveaway....I'm seriously still in shock!! Thank you soooo much, Holly!!

And now, I flip to a more serious topic....This time of year is almost always high stress for teachers everywhere....The pressures of end of level testing, the crazy behavior in our students that starts to come out with the change of the weather, the moodiness of coworkers who haven't seen the sun since last October....all of this and more can take a toll on the most veteran teacher.

I received an email a little while back, I think back in February, from another teacher....and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. February was a tough month for me at work, and this letter warmed my heart and made me focus on the reasons why we all go into touch the hearts of our little ones. So, even though Teacher Appreciation Week isn't until May, I just wanted you to know, I appreciate YOU! And if things are tough right now, hang on, "This, too, shall pass."
Hugs and Love,


  1. Congratulations on the big win!
    I just love Kristin! I share (parts of) her stories with my class at morning message sometimes...I actually showed them the playground map the other day.....they feel like they know her!

    Going Nutty!

  2. Congratulations on winning the giveaway. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. I saw this letter pinned on pinterest this morning and it was a great pick me up. Thanks for sharing. This time of year is rough.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  3. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the letter. It's always a nice reminder! Sometimes it's tough out there :)

  4. I thought people might think I rigged it - I just blogged about you in my post before that one...HA! It was totally legit - but I did squeal when I saw it was you! :)

    We have sports all day today - but once I'm home and settled I'll get the gift cards out!


    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. Love it! May I pin it to Pinterest?

  6. Congrats on winning!! I love Holly! She is so sweet and kind!

  7. Congrats on winning! I love Kristin...she cracks me up!!! I was dying to win this one!


  8. Thanks for all the comments everyone! I need to get a "permission to pin" button put up on my blog. You are always welcome to pin to Pinterest. I love Pinterest!

  9. Congrats on the win! Love the letter! What a nice pick-me-up!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  10. So thankful for the linky that connected so many K-2 blogs!! Your blog is great! Im your newest follower:) Hope you'll stop by my blog

  11. Ha!! No pressure or anything!
    I will email you about it this weekend!!!!! :)
    Love that letter!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  12. Congratulates, Rebecca, on your awesome win!

    Grade ONEderful

  13. What a beautiful letter! :) Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower! I'll be teaching first grade next year (switching grades). Hope you can pop over to my lil blog and check it out. I have some great freebies to share! :)

    Second Grade Sugar and Spice


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