Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cute Postcard Idea and New Packets for Sale!

As some of you remember, I taught a few years in 3rd grade, sandwiched between all my years of teaching 1st. It was a blast teaching 3rd and some days I really miss it. One of the teachers I mentored in 3rd became one of my best friends. I love it when she bursts into my room excitedly showing me a new book she read to her kids, or a new project they did.

This past week, she showed me an awesome writing project that her kiddos did. It can easily be adapted to any grade!

She read aloud the book La Rue Across America: Postcards From the Vacation.
It's a hilarious tale of  how Ike, the dog, and Mrs. LaRue take the neighbor's cats and head out on a road trip across America. Ike sends postcards detailing his woes.

She gave each of her students a postcard-sized piece of paper and had them write a postcard to one of their classmates from somewhere in America. Here are some of her student's awesome work! I loved their drawings as much as their writing! Remember, these kiddos live in Utah! Not to shabby!

Speaking of 3rd grade, I have some products in my TpT store geared for 3rd and 4th graders. I have my one minute timed tests for division and for multiplication. And I have my multiplication ice cream incentive program that includes songs to memorize their facts and a multiplication journal that I had my students make when I taught 3rd. (I have timed tests for addition and subtraction, as well.)

You can get them by clicking on the images below:

I also uploaded some cute calendar pieces for Spring! They fit my calendar chart perfectly.

Can you tell I couldn't decide if I liked the green or the blue background better on the flower calendars, so I did both!! I got my cute ice cream sundae graphics and my ladybug graphics from Melonheaz Illustrating! I just love her work!! She has cute freebie items on her blog, too! 
You can check our her blog here:
And here's one more packet I finished last week, just in time for my money unit! This packet introduces coins to the children and has them add like coins together. 

It was a beautiful, warm 80 degrees here today, but snow (or rain) is supposed to be blowing in Sunday! (It's late Saturday night as I am writing this....) I hope you have had a peaceful weekend!

Love and hugs,


  1. I love those books! Use them for all kinds of lessons :)
    I like that money pack! bet my 2nd graders would like that in the beginning of the year :)

  2. you are so talented. I love all your work! Hope it's still warm there and not snowing and blowing:)It's suppose to be 91 here today! Lordy I hope that doesn't mean daughter's prom is 19! You just never know!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  3. I am in love with the ladybugs!! I just can't get enough ladybug stuff! My students think I am just crazy! Oh well!

  4. Wow! Great post. I love all the stuff you shared.
    Grade ONEderful

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