Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year Sale and Give Away!

Happy, Haaaaaappy New Year!! I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday season and a fun New Year's eve! The hubs and I had a low-key New Year's Eve playing some intense rounds of Operation (the board game) and watching tv.

My highlight for this week was the small little meet up some of the Utah Bloggers had at the Cheesecake Factory in Salt Lake City! Nikki from Melonheadz Illustration, Krystal Plott, Natalie Kay Crockett, Rachelle Gunderson Smith, and Lori Bryson Evans and I had a wonderful time eating great food, yummy cheesecake (I tried the S'mores Cheesecake and it was to die for!!!) and talking teacher stuff! I have followed these girls on their blogs and chatted with them on Facebook for a couple of years now, so it was great to finally put the face to the name. I feel incredibly blessed to know these amazingly talented and giving women.

To celebrate the New Year, I am having a huge 20% off sale at both my Teachers Notebook and my Teachers Pay Teachers stores. 

I am also giving away my Penguin Packet, my Penguin Informational Writing Packet, and my newest packet, Winter Print 'N Go! Math for 2nd Grade Common Core. 

I will choose three winners on Sunday night and announce the winners on Monday!

Thank you all for a wonderful 2013 and for all your support over the 2 1/2 years I've been a blogger!
Love and Hugs for a Happy 2014!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy New Year!! I hope it is a great year for us all!
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. My new years resolution is to get my body healthier.. yes because I want to look better, of course, but due to my poor eating habits my health is at risk XOXO so hopefully THIS will be the year I DO IT! :) Love you and all of your stuff... thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I'm hoping to run 2 half marathons this year! And to not go crazy with wedding planning :)

    Owl Be in Kindergarten

  4. I need to prioritize!!! So many spinning plates...gotta prioritize and also allow myself more grace.
    xoxo Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  5. One of my resolutions is to blog more and create more! :) I also want to tone up and eat healthier!

    Nicole :)
    All Things Apple in 2nd

  6. Happy New Year! I hope to write more notes to my students. Susan

  7. My resolution is more of a priorities list... and to remember what's most important in my life and to put that/them first!

  8. My resolution is to do more for me and less for work! I am always running myself dry and too tired to do anything fun!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  9. Be healthy and be more creative!

  10. I would like to eat better and somehow find time to exercise. I also need to be more efficient with work.

  11. I am so jealous of your meet-Up (I was even in town that day). I hope in the new year to get to know more and more bloggers. I learn so much from each one.


  12. My resolution is to be more organized in my classroom this next year.

  13. My resolution is to spend less time on the there goes that one! Happy new year!

  14. My resolution is to be more organized! In the classroom and at home:)

  15. My new years resolution is to get healthier. and to be a bit more organized!

  16. One of my classroom goals is to be prepared far in advance (sometimes I'm scrambling to get things together the day before).

  17. My resolution is to do more with writing in my Kindergarten classroom.

  18. I'm going to try and leave school a little earlier each day and get some exercise in :)

  19. My resolution is to try to live a more balanced life- a little less school work and more family and recharging time!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  20. My resolution is to be more mindful about all I do! :)

    Carried Away in... K!

  21. My goal is to take time daily to relax!

  22. My goal is to organize my closets both at home and at school!

  23. My resolutions are to leave more work at work and to be healthier!
    Teachin' First

  24. My resolution is to complete my unfinished projects.

  25. My new years resolution is to lose weight and be more organized in the classroom.


I just LOVE your comments!