Monday, December 12, 2011

I Feel Very Blessed!

I am so very very appreciative and can I say, SUPER EXCITED, to have received an invitation to be a blogging writer for one of the first teaching blogs I ever found, Me and My Gang 1!  My jaw hit the floor when I opened the email and I'm quite frankly still in shock! Did I say how EXCITED I am??!! I hope you'll come check out my first post!

To add to that wonderful gift, this weekend I received a comment from my friend Tammy over at Klinger Cafe' giving my blog the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD!! There's just nothing like that feeling of receiving an award from one of your respected peers. It is the best "warm fuzzy" feeling! But even better than receiving an award is getting the opportunity to pass it on!

The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is to spotlight 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.

Here are a few a my blogging buddies that I just love! I hope you will show each of them some blogging LOVE by following them!
Teachin' First

The Teachers' Cauldron

Thank you so much to all of my blogging buddies out there for supporting and following me. Your comments cheer me up and the post you write on your own blogs inspire me and make me smile. There's just nothing like being a part of this amazing team of teachers out here in cyber space. I hope someday soon there will be a conference for teaching bloggers so we can all meet in person and swap ideas.

Happy Monday, and remember, there is only LOVE....


  1. Thanks so much for the award! I love your blog and am so thankful you find mine helpful!!

  2. Amy!! I love your blog!!! You are one of my favs!!

  3. Hey Darlin',
    Thanks for the award! You're a sweety and you know I LOVE your blog! Did you know I have your timed tests in my "cart"...I'm waiting for a weak moment when I throw caution to the wind and press the "purchase" button. {hubs says I'm spending way too much $$ and time in blogdom...I know, .

    Thanks for being YOU! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. Thanks girl! Can't wait to read your posts on Me and My Gang!

  5. Thanks Holly and Rachel!! Hugs to both of you!! Oh, and my timed addition tests are forever FREE!!! Yeah!! =)
    Love ya guys!

  6. Thanks Rebecca! You're the best blogging buddy a girl could have! Congrats on being chosen to write for Me and My Gang. You really deserve it!

    Teachin' First

  7. I'm giving you a Bloggy Christmas Card! Check it out here:

    Teachin' First

  8. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! I love your blog and all your great ideas! Visit me at


  9. Thank you so much for nominating me, Tarra! That means so much to me!! I will definitely check out your blog!

  10. Congratulations! I have also awarded your blog the Liebster Award! Come over to my blog to check it out :)

  11. Congratulations! I am follower 169! Hope you will come visit me, too.

    Pitner's Potpourri


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