Sunday, December 11, 2011

So Much to Do, So Little Time! (And a FREEBIE you won't want to miss!)

My sweet niece holding Bella (Chewbacca The Wookie)

Ok, so the past week was CR-AAAZZY and I didn't get to post all that I was thinking about because I was so busy running around like a chicken with its head cut off!! I don't know if I've mentioned my lovely little pup, Bella, to you before or not.... I should have named her Chewy or Chewbacca the Wookie or something because she LOVES to chew things up. But not your "normal" dog chewing stuff. Not shoes, or socks...she prefers pens and WIRES! So far I've replaced who knows how many cable wires, and she's gone through two MacBook wires to my laptop (at $80 bucks a pop, that's so not happy!) I have managed to keep doors shut and her right with me when she is out of her crate, but sooner or later, I get distracted and she finds something to destroy. This week she chewed through the wire of my expensive flat iron!!! (Luckily it was unplugged!) What the crap!!! SOOO not a happy thing for me and my wild mane of partly curly, partly frizzy hair! (I've been compared to the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz when I wake up!) My hair is soooo not tame without my flat iron! Even with a round brush and hairdryer it still puffs up by the end of the day. The past few days I've had to throw it up into a ponytail. So, I've LOOKED like a chicken with its head cut off at work all week! Who wants to go out in public looking like this!!?

I've finally plopped myself down on the couch to type up all that has been on my mind the past few days!!! First, this last week I had my students write letters to Santa. They wrote a letter to Santa telling him what they would like him to bring their family and friends and another letter telling Santa why they would make a good elf. Their letters turned out super cute! I posted them in the hallway with a elf portrait! (And no, that letter does not match the elf....for privacy reasons.)

Our fabulous kindergarten teacher, Linda, did something similar and I thought it turned out super cute! She had her kids write in a speech bubble why they would make a good elf. 

I thought my paper that I used for the letters was ok, but then I found THIS at What the Teacher Wants!! (Awesome blog to follow, if you aren't already!) Her elf application and letter to Santa paper is soooo cute!! (Love the creativity you all have!!) I am going to use her's next year!

Here's my paper and Elf pattern. I can't remember who gave me the pattern years ago, but I am thinking it is my dear friend and fellow teacher, (who hung up her cute teaching shoes to be a new mommy! Yeah for her!), Ally. (Who, by the way, was soooo creative! I miss her!!)


Lastly, it has been my goal to reach 100 followers on my TpT site by the end of the year. Right now I am at 96! Oh, so close! To encourage everyone to follow me at TpT I put all my holiday and winter packets on sale 20%! I am also offering one of my top sellers, Addition 0-12 Timed Tests for FREE! This sale lasts only until Tuesday so hurry and get your items! (And don't forget, if you like your freebie, I always love to hear your comments below!)

I'll leave you with a video I saw on Facebook this morning that totally cracked me up and made me smile!!  Have a wonderful week! Only 7 and 1/2 days left for me and counting!

Ahhh, and I almost forgot! I managed to get my blog on Facebook this weekend!!! Yeah! So, please add me on Facebook!

There is Only Love,


  1. So cute! I'm your newest follower!

    Also, wanted to share my new GIVEAWAY with you :)
    You can WIN a $20 Gift Card for Amazon and shop till you drop :)

    Come by & enter to WIN!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Yeah for a new follower!!! I am now following YOUR cute blog!!

  3. Following you on TpT too! Thank you (again) for the freebie. Hope you saw that I sent an award your way. Have a happy last week! I know I will!

  4. Tammy! YES!! Thank you so very much! I'm getting a post about it ready for tomorrow! I'm so I behind! Thanks for your comments! You always make me smile!

  5. Thank you for the freebie!! So helpful!!

  6. You are sooo welcome, Stacey!


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