Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Library Linky Party and Organization Linky Party!

Many, many thanks to Holly from Crisscross Applesauce for the fabulous prize of having Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher guest blog over here yesterday! If you didn't catch Kristin's hilarious post, you can read it by following this link. And welcome to all of my new followers that joined our ranks yesterday from Kristin's blog! I'm so excited you are here! =)
I'm joining in the linky fun today! Amy, over at Literacy and Laughter, had the fabulous idea to share photos of your classroom library! My library needs a little organization at the moment, but I snapped a few photos to show you!

I have a "cabin" theme to my library. One year, the custodian came to me and said he found an old platform in storage and would I like it? I decided it would make the cutest little platform for a porch! With his help, I screwed pieces of wooden fencing to 2 X 4s and then screwed the 2 X 4s into the drywall. Then, I cut down some branches of my friend's tree and made a trellis and hung it from the ceiling....18 inches from the ceiling, Mr. Fire Marshall. I have little twinkle lights woven through the trellis which makes for a cozy feeling.

The main classroom rule that I have is "There is Only Love" and I found the cutest heart-shaped pillows at Target, so they are in there. I know, I know, this is a post about my library, and I should be focussed more on my book baskets, but if you've seen one book basket, ya have seen them all, right? ;)

I wanted to share with you how I store my white boards and erasers, too! For years, I just had a basket of dry erase markers and we used tissue, paper towels, etc. to wipe them off. Yah, not too economical! I finally went to Walmart and bought some cheap socks, and now I store a marker in each sock, and use they use the sock to erase. I know, I know....I'm a little late to the sock party! I should have done this years ago!! So much easier to have everything organized this way!

Do you have any awesome organization tricks that you use in your classroom? I seriously am the worlds worst organizer!! I'd love to hear about ANY of your ideas! Seriously! Link up below!


  1. Very cute!! I love your twinkling lights!

    The First Grade Dream

  2. I have the same blue bins in my library! I love going to Target and finding new colors.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. Your library looks very cozy and welcoming.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Oh my goodness - I love it. You're mighty creative and organized to boot! I'm so glad you won and Kristin sure didn't disappoint, did she?!?

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. I LOVE the tree branches and lights! Very nice!
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. I love your library! Thank you so much for linking up!!!! It is so fun to check out all of the great ideas out there!


  7. Love your photos...I have a platform in my room too. We use it for our reading center as well and call it the "stage." I have no idea who came up with the name but it has stuck! =) I never thought about using it as a porch. Cute idea!

  8. We use socks as erasers too... I like to use black socks so they don't look dirty after they get used a few times :)


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